Boronia Sport Fishing Club Constitution.


1. GENERAL: Failure to comply with the following rules of the Boronia Sport Fishing Club while fishing in club competitions will result in disqualification from that competition. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Committee shall be final.

1.1.1.For the purposes of these Fishing Rules, a Competitor in a Club event is a full paying member or an Associate Member (Family Member, Honorary Member or Life Member).


2.1.Competitions shall be held at venues as selected by the Fishing Committee from time to time.

2.2.All fish caught must comply with the regulations as set out in the Recreational Fishing Guide of the relevant state in which the competition is held, subject to:

• If the size limit in that State for any target species is larger than the Club specified size limit for points eligibility, the State Fishing Regulations Guide size limit will apply for points eligibility; or

• If the size limit in that State for any target species is smaller than the Club specified size limit for points eligibility, the Club size limit will apply for points eligibility.

2.3.Where the applicable States’ Recreational Fishing Guide states no minimum size the minimum size of such fish shall be 25 cm’s.

2.4.Whilst fishing Club competitions hosted by other clubs the rules of the host club shall apply, although Competitors may still present fish for Club points if our Club is running a concurrent competition.

2.5.Competitors wishing to fish in Club competitions are required to submit their nomination to the Weigh Master before commencement of fishing in a manner as may be directed by the Weigh Master from time to time. Such nomination may be by a hard copy nomination sheet and/or by social media.

2.6.To constitute a competition Competitors from three separate families must fish.


3.1.Eligibility for points will be determined before each competition by the Weigh Master. Eligibility may be on length (measured per the applicable State Fishing Regulations or the Club size limits whichever is the greater) or weight (measured on approved electronic digital scales accepted by the Weigh Master). Both size and weight may be on the largest single fish or a designated bag.

3.2.10 points will be awarded to the largest catch or bag presented at each competition. Further points will be awarded from 9 points down to 1 point being for the smallest catch/ bag rated out of the top 10 catches or bags presented for points at each event. In the event of a tie, equal points for that rating will be given for each.

3.3.A point will be awarded to every Competitor who participates at an event, irrespective of whether or not they are able to present anything for weigh in.

3.4.Competitors may “weigh in” or provide capture details for the Blue Water Shield at any time between the dates nominated as the start and finish dates in the Club syllabus.

3.5.The following species are not eligible to be presented for “weigh in” at any event:

3.6.All Shellfish, Octopus, Crayfish, Stingray, Eels, Parrotfish, & Shark (except School, Gummy, Mako, Thresher, Blue, Seven Gill & Bronze Whalers)

4. BAG LIMITS A bag limit of 5 fish per species per angler maximum allowed to be presented for points per day for Club competitions except where relevant government regulations have lower bag limits.


5.1.For any competition, all fish are to be presented to the appointed Weigh Master (or a nominated delegate) in a manner as determined beforehand by the Weigh Master.

5.2.Any competitor presenting an illegally undersized fish for “weigh-in” will be disqualified from that competition.

5.3.Any fish that is under Club minimum size, but legal, will result in that fish being ineligible for inclusion in the Club competition.

5.4.Each competitor must present their own fish for “weigh-in”.

5.5.For any competition where points eligibility is judged on weight, fish may be weighed in whole or gilled and gutted. Gilled and gutted will gain 100 grams per kilo of~ # 6total~ weight.

5.6.Any fish presented for “weigh-in” after a deadline stipulated by the Weigh Master for that competition, will not be eligible for points unless there are extenuating circumstances in which case the Weigh Master’s decision will be final.

5.7.No fish can be presented for “weigh-in” if:

• It has been caught in a private dam, or

• It has been caught in a fish farm, or

• It has been caught using the services of a guide, or

• It has been caught on a non-Club charter.



Club championship Trophies or Prizes will be awarded annually for the highest points total (excluding any points awarded for the TOP TEN Trophy) of the 10 best competition results for each competitor in the following categories.

• Club Champion

• Senior Male Champion Senior Female Champion

• Junior Male Champion Junior Female Champion

6.2.Other Trophies and/or Prizes

• A prize shall be awarded for the winner of each of the individual competitions held throughout the year.

• The Dave Ford Memorial Trophy (perpetual) shall be awarded for the largest trout (as defined by the Weigh Master for that particular competition) caught in that competition at Lake Eildon or its immediate environs.

• The Rob Henry Blue Water Classic - Annual Blue Water Shield (perpetual) shall be awarded for the largest fish (as defined by the Weigh Master for that particular competition) caught in that competition in Victorian waters.

• The Annual Bream Shield (perpetual) shall be awarded for the largest Bream (as defined by the Weigh Master for that particular competition) caught in that competition.

• Annual “Top Ten” Trophy (perpetual) for ten nominated species caught over the full year. Refer to Appendix A for the criteria applying to this competition.

• Most momentous catch (to be voted on by members via secret ballot).

• Blockhead Award (to be voted on by members).

• Special awards may be presented at some Club competitions dependent on Club sponsors and donors as determined by the Fishing Committee.


The purpose of the TOP TEN competition is to promote fishing by Members and Associate Members at any time. Points scored in the TOP TEN competition are applicable to that competition only and do not count towards Club Championship Competition Points. In other words, the TOP TEN Trophy sits outside the normal Club Championship competition and is a competition in its own right.

The eligible species are nominated by the Fishing Committee and may be changed prior to the commencement of Club’s fishing year. The ten species currently nominated are:

• Snapper

• King George Whiting

• Gummy Shark

• Flathead (any species)

• Australian Salmon

• Murray Cod

• Yellow-Tail Kingfish

• Trout & Salmon (Rainbow, Brown, Brooke, Chinook Salmon or Atlantic Salmon)

• Bream (Southern or Yellowfin)

• Tuna (any species)

TOP TEN Competition Rules shall be the Fishing Rules with the following additional criteria:

Fish may be taken in a Club competition or on a personal or non-Club trip (including holidays).

A report stating date and location of the capture with photo (on a brag mat) must be submitted to the Weigh Master either in hard copy form or electronically within 7 calendar days of the date of capture.

Fish may be caught in any state or territory of Australia.

The size of each capture shall be based on length as measured in the applicable state or territory.

Members are able to submit multiple reports over the year for the same species, i.e. upsizing is OK, but only the longest fish will be counted towards the final score.

Each of the species will have points allocated to the submitting member on the basis of 10 points for the longest down to 1 point for the 10th longest. In the event that 2 or more fish of a species having the same length are submitted by multiple anglers, each will be awarded the same points.

At the end of the Club year, points are tallied for each member participating. At the end of the year, if 2 or more anglers have the same total points a count back based on the number of species caught will be used, if the anglers still cannot be separated then the perpetual trophy will be shared.



Fees will increase according to CPI figures on a yearly basis as necessary.

***** Please Note ***** FEES must be paid by June 30 or a $5 Late payment fee will apply

Boronia Sport fishing members